

单词 Restrictive trade practices
释义 限制商業行為
Conducts which have the purpose or effect of preventing or substantially restricting competition. They may include the making of certain contracts, arrangements or understandings, and the practices of secondary boycotts, misuse of market power, exclusive dealing, resale price maintenance, price discrimination, and anticompetitive mergers and acquisitions. Most advanced economies have either legislation or administrative control over restraints on competition and monopolistic conducts. The Sherman Act 1890 is the main source of a body of antitrust law designed to maintain economic liberty in the United States. The UK enacted in the 1950’s the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1956. In Hong Kong, despite the Consumer Council’s strong recommendations back in 1996, there is to-date no general competition law. The government has instead adopted a sector-specific approach; at this stage competition law only applies to the telecommunications and broadcasting industries: Telecommunications Ordinance (Cap 106) ss 7K, 7L; Broadcasting Ordinance (Cap 562) ss 13, 14. See also Acquisition; Antitrust; Competition law; Restraint of trade.
有阻止或重大限制競爭的目的或後果的行為。這些行為包括訂定某些合約、作出某些安排或達成某些諒解,及實施間接的聯合抵制,不當使用市場控制力,獨家專營,規定銷售價,價格歧視,及反競爭的合併與收購。大部份的先進經濟均對限制競爭及壟斷性行為作出立法或行政方面的管制。《1890年Sherman法》乃美國為維持自由經濟而設的一系列反壟斷法的主要法源。英國於50年代通過《1956年限制商業行為法》。在香港,儘管消費者委員會於1996年的強烈建議,香港至今還沒有普及的競爭法。香港政府取而代之採納了特定行業的方法;現階段競爭法只適用於電訊及廣播業:《電訊條例》(第106章)第7K及7L條;《廣播條例》(第562章)第13及14條。另見 Acquisition; Antitrust; Competition law; Restraint of trade。




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