

单词 Professional advice
释义 專業意見
Advice given by a person in his or her professional capacity. Professional advice may give rise to a duty of care in one of two situations. The first is where a special relationship exists, such that the defendant is under a duty to take care to prevent economic loss arising from reliance place upon his or her statements. The relationship must be of such a nature that the defendant knows or ought to have known that his or her words would be reasonably relied upon: Yue Xiu Finance Co Ltd v Agnew & Ors (formerly t/a Deloitte Haskins & Sells (a firm)) [1996] 2 HKC 122. A solicitor must be both honest and candid when advising a client, he has a duty to his client to give the client a competent opinion based on sufficient knowledge of the relevant facts, and adequate consideration of the applicable law and the solicitor’s own experience and expertise: The Hong Kong Solicitor’s Guide to Professional Conduct, Vol 1 (2nd Ed, Butterworths, 1998) ch 5, 5.18. The second situation arises where the defendant holds himself or herself out as having special skill and competence in the subject matter of the statement, or is the sole repository of information relating to a particular subject matter. For example, a doctor may be liable in negligence if he fails to give the patient proper advice and information about the treatment and warn him of any significant risks: Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Maudsley Hospital [1985] AC 871, 1 All ER 643 (HL). In some professions, the duty of care is also imposed by the statute, for example, the Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap 50) s 34(1)(a)(iv): Chan Po Fun Peter v Hong Kong Society of Accountants [2002] 2 HKC 250. ‘Advice’ may include advice from a trade union representative: Pickles v National Coal Board (intended action) [1968] 2 All ER 598, 1 WLR 997 (CA). See also Negligent misrepresentation; Professional negligence.
由某人以其專業資格作出的意見。專業意見可在兩個情況的其中一個產生小心的責任。 第一是凡有特別的關係存在, 有關的被告有小心的責任以避免由倚賴其陳述而引起的經濟損失。必須有被告知悉或應該己知悉他的字句會被合理地倚賴的關係: Yue Xiu Finance Co Ltd v Agnew & Ors (formerly t/a Deloitte Haskins & Sells (a firm)) [1996] 2 HKC 122。在向當事人作出建議時, 律師必須同時誠實和坦白, 他有責任基於對有關事實的充足知識, 對適用法律的充分考慮及以律師自己的經驗和專業知識向當事人作出有能力的意見: The Hong Kong Solicitor’s Guide to Professional Conduct, 第 1冊 (第 2 版, Butterworths, 1998年) 第 5 章, 第5.18段。第二個情況產生如被告把自己在陳述的主題項目上當作有特別的技巧和能力, 或是就有關特別的主題上有獨有儲存的資料。例如, 如醫生未能向病人就治療作出適當的意見及提供適當的資訊及警告他任何嚴重的危機, 醫生可能有疏忽的法律責任: Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and the Mandsley Hospital [1985] AC 871, 1 All ER 643 (上議院) 。在若干專業, 法例也會加諸小心責任, 例如, 《專業會計師條例》 (第50章) 第 34(1)(a)(iv)條: Chan Po Fun Peter v Hong Kong Society of Accountants [2002] 2 HKC 250。 ‘意見’可包括由工會代表作出的意見: Pickles v National Coal Board (意圖的行動) [1968] 2 All ER 598, 1 WLR 997 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Negligent misrepresentation; Professional negligence。




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