

单词 Professional liability
释义 專業的法律責任
The responsibility of a person for his or her failure to comply with legal professional practice obligations, whether civil or criminal. A legal practitioner’s exposure to civil liability commonly arises from a breach of duty of care in contract or tort, breach of fiduciary duty. Compulsory professional indemnity insurance for solicitors provides indemnity against all civil liabilities. The Council of the Law Society may make rules concerning indemnity against loss arising from claims in respect of any description of civil liability incurred by a solicitor or former solicitor or employee of a solicitor in connection with his practice or with any trust or of which he is or formerly was a trustee: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) s 73A(1). The conduct of a legal practitioner giving rise to civil or criminal liability may also expose the practitioner to disciplinary action. See also Disciplinary action; Duty in contract; Duty in tort; Duty of care; Professional misconduct; Professional negligence.

某人未能遵守無論是民事或刑事的法律專業實務義務 的責任。法律執業人員的民事法律責任通常由違反於合約或民事侵害上的責任或違反信託責任而產生。律師的強制專業彌償保險針對民事法律責任而提供彌償。香港律師會理事會可針對任何種類的民事法律責任上的申索而引致的損失,訂立彌償規則,而該民事法律責任是律師或前律師或律師的僱員與他的執業業務有關而招致的,或與他是受託人或以前曾是受託人的任何信託有關而招致的 : 《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第 73A(1)條 。引起民事或刑事法律責任的法律執業者行為也可使法律執業者招致紀律行動。另見 Disciplinary action; Duty in contract; Duty in tort; Duty of care; Professional misconduct; Professional negligence。





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