

单词 Professional misconduct
释义 專業上的不當行為
At common law, something done in the pursuit of professional activities which would be reasonably regarded as disgraceful or dishonourable by professional brethren of good repute and competency: Allison v General Council of Medical Education and Registration [1894] 1 QB 750; Solicitor, Re a, ex p Law Society [1912] 1 KB 302. Breach of an undertaking given by a solicitor is not per se professional misconduct: A Solicitor v The Law Society of Hong Kong [1996] 1 HKLR 293 (CA). Professional misconduct need not fall within any legal definition of wrongdoing. Serious professional misconduct does not require moral turpitude, gross professional negligence can fall within it; something more is required than a degree of negligence enough to give rise to civil liability but not calling for the opprobrium that inevitably attaches to the disciplinary offence: Preiss v General Dental Council [2001] 1 WLR 1926 (PC). In relation to solicitors, professional misconduct includes breach of any of the principles and rules laid down in the Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159), the Solicitors Practice Rules (Cap 159H), and the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules (Cap 159F). Any conduct of a trainee solicitor or employee of a solicitor which would reasonably be regarded as disgraceful, dishonourable or discreditable by a solicitor of good repute shall be deemed misconduct: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) s 2(2). As for barristers, failure to observe the Code of Conduct of the Bar of Hong Kong may amount to professional misconduct or a breach of proper professional standards rendering a barrister liable to disciplinary proceedings: Code of Conduct of the Bar of Hong Kong para 8. See also Fit and proper person; Moral turpitude; Unprofessional conduct.

 在普通法,按照同行專業的良好聲譽和法定資格, 作出的事情會合理地被視為不名譽或可恥的專業活動: Allison v General Council of Medical Education and Registration [1894] 1 QB 750; Re a Solicitor [1912] 1 KB 302。違反由律師作出的承諾本身不是專業上的不當行為 : A Solicitor v The Law Society of Hong Kong [1996] 1 HKLR 293 (香港上訴法庭) 。專業上的不當行為不需要符合不法行為的法律定義。嚴重的專業不當行為不需要證明有道德上之卑劣行為, 嚴重的專業疏忽可屬於其範圍; 需要比可足夠引起民事責任的疏忽程度有更多的要求,但不需無可避免地有紀律罪行的不名譽 : Preiss v General Dental Council [2001] 1 WLR 1926(樞密院) 。就律師而言, 專業上的不當行為包括違反任何在《法律執業者條例》 (第159章), 律師執業規則 (第159H章)和律師執業規則 (第 159F章) 訂下的原則和規則。實習律師或律師僱員的任何行為操守,如會被一名具有良好聲譽的律師合理地視為是可恥、不名譽或有損信譽的,則須當作為不當行為 :《法律執業者條例》 (第159章)第2(2)條 。就大律師而言, 未能遵守香港大律師的專業守則可等同專業上的不當行為 或違反適當專標準, 使有關的大律師有責任出席紀律處分程序: 香港大律師專業守則第 8段。另見 Fit and proper person; Moral turpitude; Unprofessional conduct。





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