

单词 Profit and loss statement
释义 損益表
An accounting statement showing the operating results of an enterprise for a stated period. The amount and type of all revenues and all expenses and the resulting net profit or loss are stated. The accounting period covered commonly consisted of a month, a quarter of a year, a half year, or a year. Also known as an ‘income statement’, ‘operating statement’, or ‘statement of operations’. See also Accounting standards; Profit and loss account.
顯示在特定的期間,一家公司營運業績的會計報告書。會陳述所有收入,所有支出及結果的淨利潤或虧損的款項和種類。覆蓋的會計期間通常包括一個月、一季、半年或一年。另稱 「入息表」或 「經營收支表」。另見 Accounting standards; Profit and loss statement。




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