

单词 Delay in acceptance
释义 延遲接受貨品
In sale of goods contracts, where a buyer accepts goods but does so, in breach of contract, after the time agreed for acceptance; or where there is no agreed time for acceptance, where the buyer fails to take delivery of the goods within a reasonable time. Where the seller is ready and willing to make delivery and requests the buyer to take the goods, a delay in acceptance subjects the buyer to liability for loss occasioned by the neglect or refusal to take delivery, and also for a reasonable charge for the care and custody of the goods: Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) s 39. See also Late delivery; Non-acceptance; Non-delivery; Sale of goods.
就售貨合約而言,指買方違約,於商定的收貨時間後收貨,或如沒有商定的收貨時間,指買方沒有在合理的時間內提貨。凡賣方已作好準備,願意交付貨品,並要求買方提貨,而買方延遲接受貨品,這會導致買方須就其忽略或拒絕提貨所引致的損失,及照顧與保管貨品的合理費用,負上法律責任:《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第39條。另見 Late delivery; Non-acceptance; Non-delivery; Sale of goods。




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