

单词 Professional indemnity insurance
释义 專業彌償保險
Abbr - PII. 1. It is a form of insurance that provides cover against the consequences of professional negligence and breach of professional duty. A professional indemnity insurance may provide for an indemnity against loss from any claim or claims which may be made against the assured in respect of any negligent act, error, omission, fraud or dishonesty on the part of the assured or any of his partners or employees in the conduct of the business of the assured as a professional person: West Wake Price & Co v Ching [1956] 3 All ER 821, [1957] 1 WLR 45. PII is compulsory for the legal profession, accountants and insurance brokers as a condition of practice in Hong Kong: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) ss 72AA, 73A; Professional Accountants Ordinance (Cap 50) s 51(3); Insurance Companies Ordinance (Cap 41) s 70(2)(c). Professional indemnity insurance covering insurance brokers is commonly known as ‘errors and omissions’ insurance. Other professionals who are not required by statute or by their professional body to take out insurance, such as consulting engineers and surveyors, find that it is very often a requirement of the contracts they enter into with private clients or with the Government to have in place professional indemnity insurance. 2. In the context of product liability, insurance under which the insurer agrees to indemnify the insured for liability caused by negligent acts or omissions in: providing professional services such as in the design of products or goods; the testing of another person’s products. See also Indemnity; Indemnity insurance; Professional liability; Professional negligence.
簡寫 - PII。  1. 提供覆蓋針對專業疏忽和違反專業責任的後果的一種保險形式。專業彌償保險可就針對投保人在以下情況上的申索而引致的損失,提供彌償: 可針對有關任何投保人或其合夥人或在投保人的生意行為上作為專業人員的僱員的疏忽行為、錯誤、不作為、欺詐或不誠實而作出申索:West Wake Price & Co v Ching [1956] 3 All ER 821, [1957] 1 WLR 45。專業彌償保險是法律專業人員, 會計師和保險經紀作為在香港執業的一個強制性條件: 《法律執業者條例》 (第159章)第72AA及73A條;《專業會計師條例》 (第50章)第51(3)條;《保險公司條例》(第41章) 第 70(2)(c)條 。覆蓋保險經紀的專業彌償保險一般稱為「錯誤或不作為」保險。其他法例上不須要專業人士或其專業團體例如顧問工程師和顧問測量師投保的人,通常在與私人當事人或政府訂立合約時,合約要求他們購買專業彌償保險 。  2. 就產品的法律責任而言,保險商同意在提供專業服務例如產品或貨物設計;測試其他人的產品時,就其疏忽作為或不作為引起的的法律責任彌償受保人的保險。另見 Indemnity; Indemnity insurance; Professional liability; Professional negligence.




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