

单词 Half-sibling
释义 半血親的兄弟姐妹
A half-blood brother or sister; a person who has only one parent in common with his or her sibling. In Hong Kong, the court during divorce and custody proceedings will take into consideration of the desirability for siblings to stay together: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 12, Family Law [180.329]. If reasonably possible, such separation of siblings should be avoided: W v W [1981] HKC 466 (DC). The court may take the same approach regarding half-siblings where they had been living together prior to the proceedings. In succession, if an intestate leaves neither spouse nor issue nor parent nor siblings of whole blood (or issue), then the residuary estate goes to siblings of half blood (or issue) living at the intestate’s death, before more distant relatives such as grandparents, uncles and aunts: Intestates’ Estate Ordinance (Cap 73) s 4(8). See also Brother; Consanguinity; Descendant; Sibling.
半血親的兄弟或姐妹;其兄弟姐妹屬同父異母或同母異父的人。在香港,於離婚或管養權的法律程序中,法庭會考慮兄弟姐妹同住的適宜性:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第12冊,家庭法,第[180.329]段。在合理可能的情況下,應避免分開兄弟姐妹:W v W [1981] HKC 466(區域法院)。如在法律程序展開前,半血親的兄弟姐妹經已同住,則法庭應採取相同的處理方式同住的。如無遺囑者並無遺下丈夫或妻子,亦無遺下後嗣與父母,亦無全血親兄弟姊妹,則須為該無遺囑者去世時仍活著的半血親兄弟姐妹持有該無遺囑者的剩餘遺產,並在其他較遠親的親屬之前,例如父母或外祖父母,伯父、叔父、舅父、姑母及姨母:《無遺囑者遺產條例》(第73章)第4(8)條。Brother; Consanguinity; Descendant; Sibling。




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