

单词 Immediate cause
释义 直接原因
An act or omission that brings about a direct consequence. In criminal law, a degree of remoteness is allowed between the acts of the accused and the resulting injury. An accused may generally be criminally liable for further injuries with a different immediate cause after the accused inflicted an injury on the victim; for example dying from medical treatment rendered necessary due to the gross bodily harm an accused inflicted on the victim: R v Jordan (1956) 40 Cr App Rep 152 (CCA). There is no need in the case of a murder conviction for an act to be the sole, direct, or immediate cause of death: R v Hennigan [1971] 3 All ER 133 (CA). Where an unexpected occurrence supervenes, and that is the immediate cause of death, the death may be considered an accident: Pankotai [1961] Crim LR 546 (CA). See also Causation; Novus actus interveniens; Remoteness.
導致直接後果的作為或不作為。刑法中,在被控人的行為及引致的傷害之間可存有某程度的間性。被控人在導致受害人蒙受傷害後,一般可就該受害人因不同的直接原因而蒙受的進一步傷害負上刑事責任,例如受害人因在被控人導致嚴重身體傷害後而需要接受的醫治中死亡:R v Jordan (1956) 40 Cr App Rep 152(刑事上訴法院)。就謀殺定罪而言,法律不要求某行為是唯一的、直接的直接的死亡原因:R v Hennigan [1971] 3 All ER 133(英國上訴法院)。凡有突發事件隨後發生,並且是死亡的直接原因,則有關的死亡可被視為意外Pankotai [1961] Crim LR 546(英國上訴法院)。另見 Causation; Novus actus interveniens; Remoteness。




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