

单词 Immaterial alteration
释义 非重大的更改
In relation to a deed, an alteration that does not prejudice or potentially prejudice any party liable under the deed as originally executed. An immaterial alteration does not render a deed void, whether the alteration was made by a stranger (Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG v Crosseas Shipping Ltd & Anor [2000] 3 All ER 274 (CA)); or by a party to the deed. Generally, an alteration is material if it alters the legal effect of a deed or the obligations created by the instrument, but not if it adds something that would be implied, or supplies an obvious clerical omission: Aldous v Cornwell (1867-68) LR 3 QB 573 (CA). An alteration made in a deed may be material as against some parties to it but immaterial as against the others, in which case the deed may be enforced against the parties as to whom the alteration is immaterial as if the deed had not been altered. See also Alteration; Deed; Material alteration; Void.
就契約而言,指不會損害或沒有可能會損害在原本已簽立的契據下的任何一方,以致他們需負有法律責任。不論有關的更改是由非契約方作出的(Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG v Crosseas Shipping Ltd & Anor [2000] 3 All ER 274(英國上訴法院));或是由契約方作出的,非重大的更改不會令致契約無效。概括而言,凡更改契據的法律效力、或更改有關文書產生的法律責任,均屬重大的更改,但凡增補某些原該隱含的東西、或補給某些明顯的文書遺漏,則並非重大的更改:Aldous v Cornwell (1867-68) LR 3 QB 573(英國上訴法院)。在某契據上作出的更改可能對某些立約方而言是重大的更改,而對其他的立約方而言則是非重大的更改,在這種情況下,可在對有關立約方而言屬非重大的更改的情況下,強制執行有關的契據,猶如契約從未被更改一樣。另見 Alteration; Deed; Material alteration; Void。




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