

单词 Immediate gift
释义 直接饋贈
A gift or bequest made inter vivos (during the lifetime of the donor) which vests in the donee immediately upon execution of the transfer or deed, as opposed to a contingent or conditional gift which only passes on the happening of the contingency or condition or to testamentary gift which only passes upon the death of the testator: Fletcher v Fletcher (1844) 4 Ha 67. See also Conditional gift; Contingent gift; Donatio mortis causa; Gift inter vivos; Testamentary gift.
贈與人在生期間所作的饋贈或遺贈,一旦已簽立有關的轉讓書或契據,該饋贈或遺贈會直接歸予受贈人;這與僅在有或有事件或情況發生時才會轉移的或有饋贈或有條件饋贈,或僅在立遺囑人去世後才轉移的遺產性質饋贈有別:Fletcher v Fletcher (1844) 4 Ha 67。另見 Conditional gift; Contingent gift; Donatio mortis causa; Gift inter vivos; Testamentary gift。




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