

单词 Damping the sale
释义 阻礙售賣
In relation to auctions, an act or a conduct which is caused with a view to having an adverse effect on the value of the subject matter of an auction. In the old Chancery practice, it was considered that a premature disclosure of the reserve price on a sale ordered by court would produce a damping effect on the sale, so the reserve price is now commonly disclosed: Tse Kwong Lam v Wong Chit Sen & Ors [1983] 1 WLR 1349 (PC). Improper or fraudulent acts, which are likely to prevent the property put up from realising its fair value and to ‘damp’ the sale, will invalidate any purchase by persons guilty of or privy to such acts, so that the purchaser will be disentitled to specific performance and the auctioneer will be justified in withdrawing the property: Twining v Morrice (1788) 2 Bro CC 326. See also Auction; Auctioneer; Reserve price; Specific performance.
就拍賣而言,指目的是使拍賣會的標的事項的價值有不良影響的作為或行為。以往大法官法庭認為,提早披露法院命令的售賣的保留價格/最低價格會阻礙該售賣,但現行的做法通常是披露保留價格/最低價格:Tse Kwong Lam v Wong Chit Sen & Ors [1983] 1 WLR 1349 (樞密院)。相當可能阻止有關財產變現其公平價值及「阻礙」該售賣的不當或欺詐性作為,會使犯了此等作為或參與此等作為的人的任何購買無效,因此該購買人將喪失強制履行的權利,並且該拍賣人將具充分理由撤回有關的財產:Twining v Morrice (1788) 2 Bro CC 326。另見 Auction; Auctioneer; Reserve price; Specific performance。




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