

单词 Covenantee
释义 契諾受益人
The party to whom a promise by covenant is made; the party to a covenant who is entitled to the benefit of the promise. A covenant, being made in a deed or document under seal, had contractual force and can be enforced as against the covenantor by the covenantee as a matter of contract. Where the covenant relates to land, the covenantee can enforce the covenant against the successors in title to the original covenantor provided that the covenant runs with the land either at law or in equity. Generally, a covenant does not run with the land at law. In equity, it runs with the land only if it is a restrictive covenant, there was land benefited by the covenant which was owned by the covenantee at the time of covenant, and there was an intention that the burden should so run: Tulk v Moxhay (1848) 2 Ph 774, 41 ER 1143. In Hong Kong the benefit may be granted to a non-parties under the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 26. See also Covenant; Covenantor.
接受某人在契諾中向自己作出承諾的一方;亦指契諾中的一方擁有承諾中的利益享有權。在契據或以印章簽立的文件中作出的契諾,具有其合約效力,並可由契諾受益人就合約問題針對契諾承諾人強制執行。當該契諾與土地有關,契諾受益人可針對原有契諾承諾人之所有權繼承人而強制執行該契諾,但該契諾須在法律上或衡平法隨土地轉移。一般而言,在法律上契諾不會隨土地轉移。在衡平法下,如契諾屬限制之合約,方可隨土地轉移,在契諾實行期間,該契諾受益人擁有該契諾,並因契諾而獲得該土地,同時有責任須如此轉移之意圖:Tulk v Moxhay (1848) 2 Ph 774, 41 ER 1143。根據《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第26條,在香港權利可授予非當事人。另見 Covenant; Covenantor。 n.




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