

单词 Court order
释义 法令
A direction or command of the court which, if not complied with, may result in contempt of court. The directions given to the parties to the litigation which follow from the decision of the court constitute court orders. Most common examples of court orders are: an order to pay damages to the other party; an order for specific performance; and an order for a contract to be set aside. Specific types of order include injunctions, restraint orders, sequestration orders and costs orders. Some orders are species of a particular area of law, for example, winding-up and bankruptcy order under the respective statutory frameworks and order of mandamus and certiorari in administrative law. Foreign court order has no extra-territorial effect in Hong Kong: Nanus Asia Co Inc & Anor v Standard Chartered Bank [1988] HKC 377, [1990] 1 HKLR 396.
一項法庭的指示或命令,若不履行的話,可能導致藐視法庭。就法庭的決定而向訴訟各方作出的指示,即為法令。最常見的法令的例子為:向另一方支付損害賠償的命令、強制履行令和將合約擱置的命令。特定類型的命令包括強制令、限制令、暫時扣押令和訟費令。一些命令屬於個別法律範疇的種類,例如:根據各自的法定架構規定的清盤令和破產令、及行政法的履行義務令和移審令。外地法令在香港沒有治外法權的效力:Nanus Asia Co Inc & Anor v Standard Chartered Bank [1988] HKC 377, [1990] 1 HKLR 396。




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