

单词 Institute of Arbitrators, Hong Kong
释义 香港仲裁司學會
Abbr – HKIArb. A Hong Kong company limited by guarantee established in September 1996 by a group of Hong Kong professional people interested in arbitration, mediation and other kinds of dispute resolution. It has charitable status and is non-profit making. Its main objective is to promote arbitration and other alternative methods of dispute resolution (ADR) in Hong Kong. The HKIArb is involved in the training of arbitrators and mediators and the setting of appropriate standards of conduct for arbitrators and mediators in Hong Kong. It is also involved in law reform relevant both to arbitration and mediation. It is working to develop ties with other organisations involved in arbitration and ADR, particularly those within China and in the Asia region. See also Alternative dispute resolution; Arbitration; Fast track arbitration.
簡稱 ─ HKIArb。香港仲裁司學會是一家於一九九六年九月由一群對仲裁、調解以及所有其他各類解決爭談方法(ADR)感興趣的香港專業人士所成立的有限公司。學會擁有香港政府視為福利機構的稅務地位,並為非謀利機構,致力推動香港發展成為本地及國際的仲裁及解決爭議的中心。香港仲裁司學會培訓仲裁員、調解員,為香港的仲裁員、調解員制定恰當的行為及事務守則,參與仲裁和調解方面的法律制度改革,還致力發展與其他(特別是中國內地及亞洲國家)地區內解決爭議機構的聯繫。另見 Alternative dispute resolution; Arbitration; Fast track arbitration。




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