

单词 High water mark
释义 高潮位
In relation to tidal waters, the mean line between approximate high waters at spring tides and neap tides. To obtain an accurate measure, the tides should be measured over at least half a year in every year. The mean high water mark can form a natural boundary to lands bounded by tidal waters. Judicially defined, the mean high water mark is the line of the medium high tide between the highest tides each lunar month (the springs) and the lowest each lunar month (the neaps) averaged out over the year. See also Month; Natural boundary; Tidal waters.
就感潮水域而言,指大潮的近似高潮與小潮的的近似高潮之間的平均線。每年最少要量度半年間的潮汐方可獲得準確的量度數字。平均的高潮位可成為由感潮水域劃界土地的天然界線。平均的高潮位在司法上的定義是每一農曆月份的最高潮(大潮)與每一農曆月份的最低潮(小潮)之間的中高潮線的年平均。另見 Month; Natural boundary; Tidal waters。




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