

单词 Costs
释义 訟費
Costs include fees, charges, disbursements, expenses and remuneration: The Rules of the High Courts (Cap 4A) O 62 r 1. Disbursements are those payments which have been made in pursuance of the professional duty undertaken by the solicitor which he or she is bound to perform, or have been sanctioned as professional payments by the general practice and custom of the profession: Re Remnant (1849) 11 Beav 603, 50 ER 949. Costs do not include remuneration for work which is not professional work: In the Estate of Purton (1935) 53 WN 148. A liability to pay costs arises from a client entering into retainer with a solicitor with a solicitor to perform contentious or non contentious legal work (‘solicitor and own client costs’) or from an order of a court or tribunal generally made as between the parties to proceedings in the court or tribunal (‘party and party costs’). A person liable to pay costs is generally entitled to have a bill of costs taxed or assessed. See also Assessment of costs; Bill of costs; Costs agreement; Costs disclosure; Costs order; Retainer; Taxation of costs.
包括費用、收費、代墊支費用、開支、酬金:高等法院規則(第4A章)第62號命令第1條規則。代墊支費用指律師有責任履行的專業職責在履行責任過程中支付的費用,或因該專業的行規或習慣承認的專業費用:Re Remnant (1849) 11 Beav 603, 50 ER 949。訟費不包括非專業職責的酬金:In the Estate of Purton (1935) 53 WN 148。當事人聘用律師進行訴訟或非訴訟的工作,則當事人有責任支付訟費(律師與其當事人之間的訟費),或法院或審裁處對涉及法院或審裁處程序各方通常下令支付的訟費(兩造的訟費)。負責支付訟費的人一般有權要求評定或評估訟費。另見 Assessment of costs; Bill of costs; Costs agreement; Costs disclosure; Costs order; Fees; Retainer; Taxation of costs。 n.




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