

单词 Co-surety
释义 共同擔保人
In order to guarantee the principal debtor’s liability in respect of a loan, one is jointly and severally with others responsible to the principal creditor the principal debt. Rule of equity prevents the principal creditor from acting unfairly on a particular surety. However, without more, the mere fact that the co-sureties have not been pursued does not avail a defence: Fountain v Bank of America National Trust & Saving Assn [1989] 2 HKC 253. The presumption, usually in case the guarantee is joint and several, is that if a guarantee contemplates another person is going to be a co-surety, the guarantee is to be read as that the guarantee is executed by the co-sureties. The presumption, however, is not a rule of law and can be rebutted by other evidence: Lock Kwok On Anthony v Yu Tai Peng (HCA 5377/97, unreported). For the right of surety over co-surety in discharge of liability to assignment of all securities held by creditor: Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) s 15. See also Aliquot part rule; Contribution; Coordinate liability; Guarantee; Guarantor; Subrogation; Surety.
為擔保主要債務人負上有關貸款問題上的法律責任,該人士須共同和各別連同其他人就主要債項向主要債權人負責。衡平法防止主要債權人對某個別擔保人作出不正當的行為。無論如何,僅因此,共同擔保人未被追索之法律事實不會構成一個抗辯。Fountain v Bank of America National Trust & Saving Assn [1989] 2 HKC 253。通常在擔保人是共同和各別的情況下,設有一項推定,指若該擔保考慮另一人作為共同擔保人,該擔保將被解作由共同擔保人所簽立。該推定,不論如何,不是一個法律規則,可被其他證據推翻:Lock Kwok On Anthony v Yu Tai Peng(高院民事訴訟1997年第5377號,未經彙報)。對共同擔保人的擔保人權利而言,乃指解除該債權人持有之保證金轉讓的責任:《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章)第15條。另見 Aliquot part rule; Contribution; Coordinate liability; Guarantee; Guarantor; Subrogation; Surety。




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