

单词 Discredit
释义 不信任
1. To cast doubt upon the reputation of a person or institution, or the truthfulness of a statement. 2. To impeach the truthworthiness of a witness. Generally, a party will only seek to discredit witnesses whose evidence is adverse to the party’s cause. The usual methods to discredit a witness include cross-examining on the vagaries of a witness’ evidence or previous inconsistent statements and calling evidence to show the dubious character of the witness: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 12, Evidence [175.262]. A party calling a witness cannot discredit him by adducing evidence of his bad character or of his having made previous inconsistent statement unless leave is obtained to treat such witness as hostile: Evidence Ordinance (Cap 8) s 12. See also Cross-examination; Hostile witness.
1. 對某人或某機構的信譽、或對某陳述的真實程度表示懷疑。  使證人不可信 2. 質疑某證人是否值得信任。概括而言,一方僅會在證人所提供的證據相逆於該方因由的情況下,才會尋求不信任有關的證人。證明證人不可信的最慣常方法包括盤問證人證據的變幻莫測之處、或與過往不相符的陳述,及傳召證據以證明有關證人的品格不可靠:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第12冊,證據,第 [175.262]段。交出證人的一方,不許藉證人不良品格的一般證據而質疑證人的可信性,或因他曾作出與其過往證供不相符的陳述,除非獲得視此寺證人為敵對證人的許可,則屬例外者:《證據條例》(第8章)第12條。另見 Cross-examination; Hostile witness。n.




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