

单词 Sealing
释义 加上蓋章
The affixation, attachment, or impression of a seal upon a deed, accompanied by the performance of some act by the party to be bound that expressly or impliedly acknowledges the seal to be their’s: Stromdale & Ball Ltd v Burden [1952] Ch 223, 1 All ER 59. Formerly, the seal may have been wax or wafer, and operated to authenticate the instrument. At common law, a deed is required to be sealed. However, a document is presumed to have been sealed by an individual if the document signed by him, describes itself as a deed; or states that it has been sealed; or bears any mark, impression or addition intended to be or to represent a seal or the position of a seal: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 20. At common law, the deed is to be sealed after writing it but before delivery: Goddard’s Case (1584) 2 Co Rep 4b, 76 ER 396. See also Deed; Delivery; Execution; Indenture; Testimonium.
在契據上附加、依附或蓋上蓋章,伴以履行若干有關當事人的行動,以明示或隱含地確認有關的蓋章屬於他們:Stromdale & Ball Ltd v Burden [1952] Ch 223, 1 All ER 59。過去蓋章或以蠟或封緘紙處理,並用以顯示有關法律文件的真確性。在普通法,契據須要蓋上印章。但如文件由個別人士簽署,自稱為一份文據;或聲稱有關的文件已蓋章;或附有任何意圖作為或代表蓋章或蓋章位置的標記,印記或附加物,則文件會被當作已蓋章:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第20條。在普通法,契據在記錄後但交付前蓋章:Goddard’s Case (1584) 2 Co Rep 4b, 76 ER 396。另見 Deed; Delivery; Execution; Indenture; Testimonium。n.




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