

单词 Costs agreement
释义 訟費協議
A written agreement between a solicitor and client permitting the solicitor to charge the client at a rate or in a manner different from that laid down by the applicable scale or costs. In relation to non-contentious business, a solicitor and his client may make agreement as to the remuneration of the solicitor: Legal Practitioners Ordinance (Cap 159) s 56. A solicitor may make with his client an agreement in writing regarding his remuneration in respect of contentious business: s 58. An agreement made for contentious business must be fair and reasonable otherwise the court may declare the agreement void and may order it to be given up be cancelled and costs covered to be taxed as if the agreement had never been made: s 60. An agreement as to fees in criminal matters must be in writing and signed by the client and the solicitors: Solicitors’ Practice Rules (Cap 159H) r 5D. See also Costs.
由律師與其當事人達成的一份書面協議; 協議可讓律師向當事人收取跟現行收費表或訟費不同的報酬,或讓律師以與現行收費方式不同的形式向當事人收取報酬。對於非爭訟事務的處理,律師與其當事人可就本身處理該非爭訟事務的酬金作出協議:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第56條。此外,律師與其當事人亦可就處理爭訟事務而收取的酬金作出協議:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第58條。就處理爭訟事務而作出的協議必須公平合理,不然的話,法庭可宣布該協議夥無效,並可判令該協議予以放棄及取消,而有關訟費則當作從來沒有作出協議般似的予以評定:《法律執業者條例》(第159章)第60條。就刑事事件中收取費用而作出的協議必須是書面的,並且必須由有關當事人和律師簽署:《律師執業規則》(第159H章)第5D條。另見 Costs。




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