

单词 Out of pocket expenses
释义 實付開支/現付費用
Business expenses paid out of personal funds. Companies reimburse employees for the amount they are ‘out of pocket’, the amount they spent in conducting business. Out of pocket expenses incurred by the committee of inspection may be reimbursed, subject to the approval of the Official Receiver, if there are remaining assets in a company being wound up: Companies (Winding-up) Rules (Cap 32H) r 179(1). Payment of out-of-pocket expenses of the company of investigating evidence of the loss of a share certificate and its renewal must be paid as the directors think fit: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) sch 1table A part I art 9.
以個人資金支付的業務開支。公司付還僱員為處理業務而花費的實付開支。已清盤的公司如有剩餘資產者,在獲得破產管理署署長批准的情形下,審查委員會招致的實付開支可得到付還:《公司(清盤)規則》(第32H章)第179(1)條。公司為調查遺失股票的證據及更換該遺失股票所招致的實付開支,必須在董事認為適當者才可獲得付還:《公司條例》(第32章)附表1 A表第 I部第9條。




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