

单词 Costs order
释义 訟費命令
A court or tribunal order to pay the costs of and incidental to proceedings generally to be paid by the unsuccessful party in favour of the successful party. Courts generally have full power to determine by whom and to what extent costs are to be paid: High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) s 52A(l); The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62. Costs are said to follow the event, that is, one party succeeded on his claim is entitled to the costs of action unless in the circumstances of the case some other costs order should be made: Shrapnel v Laing (1888) 20 QBD 334; The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 62 r 3. Costs orders against solicitors personally were rare and were only made in clear cases where the conduct in question amounted to a serious dereliction of duty: Re IJ Langleb Ltd [1996] 4 HKC 68. On an appeal exclusively against a costs order, no party is permitted to challenge findings of fact or the judge’s evaluation of the evidence: Baron v Hartford Fire Insurance Co [1999] 2 HKC 388 (CA). The magistrate must also consider the financial condition of the defendant before deciding whether to impose a costs order or not: HKSAR v Chan Kwok Wah [1999] 1 HKC 697. See also Assessment of costs; Costs; Indemnity costs; Party and party costs; Security for costs; Taxation of costs.
法庭或審裁機構就法律程序的訟費及附帶費用的繳付所作出的命令;該些訟費及費用一般由敗方向勝方支付。法院一般有全權決定訟費須由何人支付及須支付訟費的範圍:《高等法院條例》(第4章)第52A(1)條;《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令。訟費須視乎訴訟結果而定,即申索成功的一方有權獲得訟費;但如法庭覺得就有關案件的情況而言,應另作訟費命令,則屬例外:Shrapnel v Laing (1888) 20 QBD 334;《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第62號命令第3條規則。針對律師個人的訟費命令屬罕見,亦只會在爭議的操守清楚地構成嚴重玩忽職守的情況下才作出:Re IJ Langleb Ltd [1996] 4 HKC 68。各方不得在純粹針對訟費命令的上訴質疑事實的裁斷或法官對證據的評核:Baron v Hartford Fire Insurance Co [1999] 2 HKC 388(上訴法院)。裁判官在決定是否訂下訟費命令前,必須考慮被告人的財政狀況:HKSAR v Chan Kwok Wah [1999] 1 HKC 697。另見 Assessment of costs; Costs; Indemnity costs; Party and party costs; Security for costs; Taxation of costs。




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