

单词 Trade fixture
释义 作營商用途的固定附著物
An item which has been affixed for the purposes of trade or manufacture: Smith v City Petroleum Co Ltd [1940] 1 All ER 260. A tenant may remove trade fixtures, so long as the lease does not provide to the contrary, and so long as they are capable of being severed from the land without irreparable injury to it: Smith v City Petroleum Co Ltd, supra. This relaxation of the ordinary rule as to the irremovability of fixtures was made in order to encourage industry: Elwes v Maw (1802) 3 East 38. Where trade fixtures have to be taken to pieces in the removal, in general it is essential that they are capable of being put together in the same form in some other place: Webb v Frank Bevis Ltd [1940] 1 All ER 247 (CA). See also Fixture.
為營業或生產的目的而附加的物品:Smith v City Petroleum Co Ltd [1940] 1 All ER 260。如有關的租約沒有相反規定,及如該等作營商用途的固定附著物可在對有關土地沒有難以補救的損害的情況下可從該處土地劃分,則租客可除去作營商用途的固定附著物:Smith v City Petroleum Co Ltd, 見上文。放寬對固定附著物不可除去的一般規則是為了鼓勵有關行業的發展: Elwes v Maw (1802) 3 East 38。如在除去作營商用途的固定附著物時須拆件處理,則概括而言,須確保該等作營商用途的固定附著物在若干其他地方可還原至相同的模樣: Webb v Frank Bevis Ltd [1940] 1 All ER 247 (英國上訴法院)。另見 Fixture。




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