

单词 Total loss
释义 全損
In marine insurance law, the destruction of the subject matter insured to the extent that it ceases to exist as the subject insured; the irretrievable deprivation of the assured of the subject matter insured: Marine Insurance Ordinance (Cap 329) s 57(1). A total loss may be actual or constructive: s 56(2). Subject to any express provision in the policy, where the subject matter insured is reasonably abandoned on account of its actual total loss appearing to be unavoidable, or because it could not be preserved from actual total loss without an expenditure which would exceed its value when the expenditure had been incurred, there is a constructive total loss: s 60(1). See also Actual total loss.
就海上保險法而言,指凡受保標的物被毀掉的程度使其不再屬受保類別的物品;又或受保人已在無法挽回的情況下失去該受保標的物:《海上保險條例》(第329章)第57(1)條。全損可分為實際全損或推定全損:第56(2)條。除保單的任何明訂條文另有規定外,凡鑑於下述情況,受保標的物為被合理委付者,即屬於推定全損:受保標的物的實際全損看來無可避免,或如不動用一筆超出受保標的物價值(該價值按招致開支時計算)的開支,受保標的物即不能保存免受實際全損:第60(1)條。另見 Actual total loss。




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