

单词 Cost insurance freight contract
释义 成本、保險費加運費價合約
Abbr – CIF contract A contract under which an agreement for the sale of goods to be performed by the delivery of documents: Arnhold Karberg & Co v Blythe, Green, Jourdain & Co [1916] 1 KB 495 (CA). A seller is under an obligation to make a contract of carriage with the carrier for taking the goods to the contractual destination and delivered, effect an insurance for the goods, and forward the insurance policy, bill of lading as well as the invoice to the buyer: Johnson v Taylor Bros & Co Ltd [1920] AC 144 (HL). The duty of the seller is fulfilled when the goods are put on board the vehicle for the purpose of transit, while property in the goods will pass when documents which represent the goods are handed over in exchange for the price. The buyer then takes delivery of the goods under a contract of sale: Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) s 21(3). However, where payment is to be made in cash against documents, property in goods will only pass when there has been indorsement and delivery of the bill of lading and payment by the buyer: Ginzberg v Barrow Haematite Steel Co Ltd & McKellar [1966] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 343. See also Bill of lading; Contract of sale.
縮寫 – CIF合約   以交付文件作為履行售貨協議的合約:Arnhold Karberg & Co v Blythe, Green, Jourdain & Co [1916] 1 KB 495(英國上訴法院)。賣方有責任與承運人訂立運輸合約,把貨物運往合約項下的目的地並作出交付,且為貨品購買保險,並把保險單、提單以及發票發送買方:Johnson v Taylor Bros & Co Ltd [1920] AC 144(上議院)。當貨品被裝上運送工具時,賣方的責任便告完成,當代表貨品的文件作出移交以換取貨價時,貨品的產權即發生轉移。買方於是就售貨合約作出提貨:《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第21(3)條。但是,假如付款方法為憑單據付現,產權轉移僅在提單被背書及交付後,並買方付款後發生:Ginzberg v Barrow Haematite Steel Co Ltd & McKellar [1966] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 343。另見 Bill of lading; Contract of sale。




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