

单词 Cost plus contract
释义 成本加成合約
A building contract in which the contractor is to be paid the costs actually expended plus an amount (fixed or calculated as a percentage on the cost) for profit and such costs as are not vouched for. These contracts are sometimes also called ‘prime cost’ or ‘fixed fee’ contracts. They are similar to contracts in which the contractor is paid on a ‘time and materials’ basis or ‘for day works’: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 3, Building and Construction [65.008]. See also Building contract; Contractor; Proprietor.
一份建造合約,承建商將獲支付實際所支用的成本,加上作為利潤的款額(固定或按成本的某百分比計算),及不需提供證明該成本。該等合約有時稱為「主要成本」或「定額費用」合約,與以下合約相似:承建商按「時間及物料」或「工作日數」獲支付:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第3冊,建築與建造,第[65.008]段。另見 Building contract; Contractor; Proprietor。




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