

单词 Nonsuit
释义 訴訟須予駁回
The dismissal of an action due to insufficient evidence, the plaintiff’s failure to establish a cause of action, prove his claim to the satisfaction of the court, or the failure to appear at the trial. An example is a ‘no case to answer’ ruling at the end of the plaintiff or prosecutor’s case. A judge has no right to nonsuit a plaintiff without his consent and without hearing the evidence tendered by him: Allen v Francis [1914] 3 KB 1065 (CA). If a plaintiff calls no evidence, the defendant is entitled to the verdict: Fox v Star Newspaper Co Ltd [1900] AC 19 (HL). After being nonsuited, the plaintiff may bring another action for the same or substantially the same cause of action: Halsbury’s Laws of England, Vol 10, paras 416-418. See also Default judgment; Directed verdict; Dismissal; Settlement.
Criminal law - The withdrawal of a case before a jury by the judge with a verdict in favour of the accused or a direction to the jury by the judge to deliver a verdict of not guilty. Prior to a verdict being delivered, the prosecution may elect to be nonsuited. See also Cause of action.
 訴訟因下述原因被駁回,即證據不足、原告人未能證明訴訟因由、原告人未能向法庭證明並令其信納原告人之申索,或原告人沒有出席聆訊。例如在原告人或控方後提出其案後,法庭作出「無須答辯」的裁定。法官沒有權在取得原告人的同意及聽取原告人提出的證據前作出訴訟須予駁回的裁決:Allen v Francis [1914] 3 KB 1065 (芵國上訴法院)。如原告人不傳喚證據,則被告有權獲得此裁決:Fox v Star Newspaper Co Ltd [1900] AC 19 (上議院)。原告人在獲得訴訟須予駁回的裁決後,可就同一訴訟因由或重大程度上相同的訴訟因由提起訴訟:Halsbury’s Laws of England, 第10冊,第416至418段。另見 Default judgment; Directed verdict; Dismissal; Settlement。
刑事法 - 法官自陪審團手中撒回某案件,並作出被控人勝訴的裁決,或指示陪審團作出罪名不成立的裁決。在作出裁決前,控方可選擇訴訟須予駁回。另見 Cause of action。n.




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