

单词 Costs disclosure
释义 訟費披露
The obligation of a legal practitioner to make disclosure to the client of the costs of legal services to be provided to the client. In criminal litigation, a solicitor should not more than seven days after receiving instructions confirm by letter, inter alia, the services to be provided and the fee to be charged or an estimate of such fee: Solicitors’ Practice Rules (Cap 159H) r 5D. Upon request, a solicitor should give an estimate of the likely cost and, if it is not possible, the solicitor should inform the client and give a general forecast with an indication on the method by which his fees is calculated: The Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct, Principle 4.01. See also Assessment of costs; Costs; Professional misconduct; Retainer.
法律執業者向其當事人須負的一個披露責任,披露有關提供法律服務予當事人時收取費用要多少。對於刑事訴訟,律師必須在接獲指示後不超過7天,以信件向當事人確認將會提供的服務,以及將收取的費用或該費用的預算等等:《法律執業者傾例》(第159H章)第5D條。在當事人要求下,律師必須指出大有可能收取的訟費的預算。如果不能的話,律師也應告知當事人並給予一般的預測,以及指示訟費如何計算的方法:《香港律師專業守則》中的原則第4.01條。另見 Assessment of costs; Costs; Professional misconduct; Retainer。




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