

单词 Co-trustee
释义 共同受託人
A trustee who shares the joint office of trustees with others, all of whom together form one collective trustee: Adam & Co International Trustee Ltd v Theordore Goddard (A Firm) (The Times, 17 March 2000, unreported). The decisions of co-trustees must be unanimous, unless the trust is a charitable trusts or the trust instrument specifically provides otherwise. The liability of co-trustees is joint and several: Bahin v Hughes (1886) 31 Ch D 390. See also Joint and several liability; Passive trustee; Trustee.
與他人分擔共同受託人職分的受託人,整體組成一集體受託人:Adam & Co International Trustee Ltd v Theordore Goddard (A Firm) (《時代日報》2000年3月17日,未經彙報)。除非信托屬慈善信托或信托文書另有規定,否則共同受托人的決定必須為一致的。共同受託人的法律責任是共同及各別的:Bahin v Hughes (1886) 31 Ch D 390。另見 Joint and several liability; Passive trustee; Trustee。




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