

单词 Polling
释义 投票/輪詢
1.The casting and recording of votes at an election or meeting; the recording of the opinions of individuals on a particular matter. 2. In relation to company meetings, the receiving of votes by formal or organised methods, such as the placing of votes into ballot box, as distinct from summary and inaccurate method, such as show of hands. ‘Poll’ does not necessarily imply that a particular method of receiving votes must be used: Holmes v Lord Keyes [1959] Ch 199, [1958] 2 All ER 129 (CA). 3. In computer networks, the periodic scanning of all computer terminals or devices (nodes) by the main computer server to ask if any of the nodes have data to be transmitted. Polling keeps the data transmission between nodes on a network orderly and controlled, and avoids data collision. Servers can be programmed to allow some nodes more transmission time than others.
1. 在選舉或會議上,投票及紀錄投票結果;紀錄個別人士就特定事宜的意見。2. 就公司會議而言,以正式或有組織的方法接受投票,如在投票箱投票而不是以概括及不準確的方法,如舉手。「投票」並不一定隱含必須作出特定的接受投票方法:Holmes v Lord Keyes [1959] Ch 199, [1958] 2 All ER 129 (英國上訴法院)。3. 就電腦網絡來說,由主電腦伺服器間歇掃查所有電腦終端或設置(結點),看看任何結點是否有資料需要傳送。輪詢保持電腦網絡上結點之間的資料有秩序及受到控制地傳送,並避免資料碰撞。伺服器可通過程式設定允許某些結點多一些傳送時間。n.




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