

单词 Political trust
释义 政治信託、政治信任
1. A trust for political purposes. A trust established to promote a political party is not considered a charitable trust since it is considered against public policy: Bonar Law Memorial Trust v IRC (1933) 17 TC 508. 2. The concept that public officers in a democracy, whether legislative or executive, are accountable to the people for the exercise of their powers. Also known as ‘public trust’. See also Charitable trust; Trust.

1. 有政治目的的信託。為宣傳某政治黨派而設立的信託並不作慈善信託看待,因為這樣做會被視為違反公共政策:Bonar Law Memorial Trust v IRC (1933) 49 TLR 220。  2. 民主政制中的概念,即公職人員,不論是立法或行政機構的,在行使權力時都應該向人民負責。亦稱為「公眾信任」。另見 Charitable trust; Trust。





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