

单词 Incest
释义 亂倫
A criminal offence committed by men or women involving sexual relations between close family members. See also Sexual intercourse.
Criminal law - An offence of having sexual intercourse with another person knowing that the person is within a specified relationship with the person having intercourse, such as where the person is the offender’s child, grandchild, or sibling of either full or half blood. A man who has sexual intercourse with a woman whom he knows that she is his granddaughter, daughter, sister or mother commits such an offence. It is immaterial that the sexual intercourse was with the consent of the woman: Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200) s 47. A woman of or above the age of 16 years who with consent and permits her grandfather, father, brother or son to have sexual intercourse with her with the knowledge of him being her grandfather, father, brother or son, is guilty of such an offence: s 48. Any person who has been convicted of incest will disentitle him from being or continuing to be registered social workers: Social Workers Registration Ordinance (Cap 505) s 17(4); and shall not act as a childminder: Child Care Services Ordinance (Cap 243) s 15A. See also Sexual intercourse.
Family law - 1.In family law proceedings, incest would be very relevant in cases involving applications for custody in relation to a child, as the court must consider the child’s welfare and best interests as the paramount consideration and must protect the child from the risk of physical or psychological harm that is caused or may be caused by abuse, ill treatment, violence or exposure to harmful behaviour. The standard of proof is on balance of probabilities. The judge may take the evidence into account to assess the risks and if there is a real possibility that the child will be at risk, he will take steps to safeguard the child: H v H (Kent County Council intervening)(child abuse: evidence) [1989] 3 All ER 740 (CA). 2. Where the juvenile court is satisfied that a child or juvenile has been sexually abused and is thus in need of care or protection, the court may make an order in relation to legal guardianship of the child and appoint the Director of Social Welfare to be the legal guardian of such child or juvenile, or commit the child to the care of another person or institution which is willing to undertake the care of the child: Protection of Children and Juveniles Ordinance (Cap 213) s 34. See also Rape; Sexual abuse; Sexual intercourse.
由男性或女性所犯、涉及近親家庭成員間性關係的刑事罪行。另見 Sexual intercourse。
刑法 -   與另一人性交而知道自己與該人有特定關係的罪行,例如該人是犯罪者的子女、孫兒或與其有全血親或半血親關係的兄弟姊妹。任何男子與一名女子性交而知道該女子是他的孫女、外孫女、女、姐妹或母親,即犯此等罪行。而性交在上述女子同意下進行不具關鍵性:《刑事罪行條例》(第200章)第47條。任何年齡在16歲或以上的女子,同意而准許她的祖父、外祖父、父親、兄弟或兒子與她性交,而知道該人是她的祖父、外祖父、父親、兄弟或兒子,即屬犯罪:第48條。任何被判亂倫罪的人會喪失成為或繼續作為註冊社會工作者的資格:《社會工作者註冊條例》(第505章)第17(4)條;並且不得擔任幼兒托管人:《幼兒服務條例》(第243章)第15A條。另見 Sexual intercourse。
家庭法 -   1. 在家庭法法律程序中,亂倫與涉及管養兒童的申請有密切關係,法院必須以兒童的福利及最佳利益為首要的考慮因素,亦必須保護兒童免被虐待、暴力或受有害行為影響而產生或可能產生生理或心理上的傷害。舉證的標準是相對可能性的衡量。法官在評估有關的危險時,可顧及有關的證據;此外,如有關兒童確實可能會有危險,則法庭會採取行動保護該兒童:H v H(Kent County Council intervening)(child abuse: evidence) [1989] 3 All ER 740(英國上訴法院)。  2. 凡少年法庭信納某名兒童或少年因受性侵犯而需要受照顧或保護,則法庭可作出有關合法監護權的命令,並委任社會福利署署長為該兒童或少年的法定監護人;或將該兒童或少年付託予任何願意負責照顧他的人士或機構:《保護兒童及少年條例》(第213章)第34條。另見 Rape; Sexual abuse; Sexual intercourse。n.




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