

单词 Protected transaction
释义 受保障的交易
A transaction protected from the operation of the relation-back doctrine. In Hong Kong, the doctrine has been abolished by the Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance 1996. All dispositions made by the bankrupt after the presentation of bankruptcy petition and after the bankruptcy order are void unless such dispositions were made with the consent or ratification by the court: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 42(1). All transactions by a bankrupt, after his bankruptcy and before his discharge, with any person dealing with him in good faith and for value, in respect of his after-acquired property, whether with or without knowledge of the bankruptcy, are valid against the trustee in bankruptcy: Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6) s 43A(4). Where after the commencement of the bankruptcy the bankrupt has incurred a debt to any person by reason of the making of a payment which is void under s 42, that debt is deemed to have been incurred before the commencement of the bankruptcy unless (a) that person had notice of the bankruptcy before the debt was incurred; or (b) it is not reasonably practicable for the amount of the payment to be recovered from the person to whom it was made: s 42(5). See also Act of bankruptcy; Good faith; Ordinary course of business; Relation-back doctrine.

追溯破產運作的原則保障的交易。在香港,有關的原則已被1996年的破產 (修訂) 條例廢除。所有在提交破產呈請後及在破產令後由破產作出的處置無效, 除非有關的處置在得到法庭的同意或批准之下作出: 《破產條例》 (第6章) 第 42(1)條 。在其破產之後及其破產解除之前, 任何以真誠及為價值而與他在破產時有交易的人,無論是否知悉有關的破產,有關事後取得的財物針對在破產的受託人而言有效 : (第6章) 第43A(4) 條。凡在破產開始之後,破產人由於作出一項根據本條屬無效的付款而招致一筆欠任何人的債項,則就第42條而言,該債項須當作是在該破產開始之前已招致的,除非(a) 在招致該債項之前,該人已知悉該項破產;或(b) 從獲得該項付款的人處追討該筆付款並非是合理地切實可行的: 第 42(5) 條。另見 Act of bankruptcy; Good faith; Ordinary course of business; Relation-back doctrine。





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