

单词 Protection of the public
释义 對公眾的保障
The principal object of the criminal law and a chief purpose of punishment is to protect the public. To achieve this purpose, the court will impose a deterrence sentence for persistent re-offender (HKSAR v Chan Pui Chi (CACC 706A/97, unreported); S-J v Ma Ping Wah (CAAR 1/2000, unreported)) or a hospital order for mentally disordered offenders (Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) s 45(1); R v Chan Kin (CACC 421/89, unreported)). In assessing the gravity of trade description offences, protection of the public is one of the factors to be taken into account to deter offences of this nature: HKSAR v Lau Wing [1998] 2 HKC 747. See also Deterrence; Proportionality.
刑法和刑罰的主要目的為保護公眾。為達此目的, 法院會對積犯加諸威懾性的刑罰(HKSAR v Chan Pui Chi(刑事上訴1997年第706A號,未經彙報); S-J v Ma Ping Wah(覆核申請2000年第1號,未經彙報))或對精神紊亂的罪犯加諸入院令 (《精神健康條例》(第136章)第45(1)條;R v Chan Kin(刑事上訴1989年第421號,未經彙報))。在評估商品說明罪行的嚴重程度時, 對公眾的保障是其中一個會考慮的因素, 以阻嚇同類性質的罪行:HKSAR v Lau Wing [1998] 2 HKC 747。另見 Deterrence; Proportionality。




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