

单词 Continuous easement
释义 連續地役權
1. A legal or equitable right acquired by one person over another person’s land. Traditionally, such rights were limited to permitted uses, for example, a right of way or rights related to the passage of light or the flowing of water (riparian rights). It arises when the right of way may be enjoyed without any act necessarily being carried out by the party claiming it. In a non-continuous or non-apparent easement, such as a right of way, the party’s participatory act of enjoyment, although not necessarily continuous, is essential. 2. Strictly speaking, it is not a true easement and is often referred to as a quasi-easement; that is, an easement requires two adjoining properties, occupied by different parties, and in which there is a negative duty on the part of the servient tenement to perform some obligation on behalf of the dominant land, for example, repairing the fence separating the two properties. Hence actual usage is not necessarily continuous with respect to the particular use being exercised. See also License; Quasi-easement; Riparian right.
1.一方就另一方的土地取得的法定或衡平法權利,根據慣例,該權利僅限於許可使用, 例如通道權或光線通過權或河岸權。連續地役權發生在,權利申索一方不須採取任何行動而即可享有通道權時。非連續或非明顯地役權如通道權則是,申索一方就享用作出的參與行為是必要的,縱使該享用無須是連續的。 2.嚴格來說,連續地役權並非真正的地役權,它常被稱為類似地役權,即連續地役權需要兩幅由不同方占用的毗連土地,而供役地一方有不作為責任,代需役地履行某一義務,如修補分隔兩地圍欄。因此就作出有關的特定使用,實際的使用並不一定需要是連續的。另見License; Quasi-easement; Riparian right。




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