

单词 Specification
释义 說明書/說明
A description with sufficient details. In relation to patents, it is a description, claims and drawings which accompany an application for a patent: Patents Ordinance (Cap 514) s 2(1). An invention for a patent or a patent application shall be taken to be that specified in a claim of the specification of the patent or patent application, as interpreted by the description and any drawings contained in that specification, and the extent of the protection conferred by a patent or an application for a patent shall be determined accordingly: s 76(1). In relation to trade marks, it means the statement of the goods or services in respect of which a trade mark is registered or proposed to be registered: Trade Marks Rules (Cap 559A) r 2. Every application for registration of a trademark shall specify the class or classes of goods or services in the International Classification to which the application relates. If the trade mark is proposed to be registered in respect of all the goods or services in a particular class, or in respect of a large variety of goods or services, the Registrar of Trade Marks may refuse to accept the application unless he is satisfied that the specification is justified by the use the applicant has made of the trade mark or by the use he intends to make of the trade mark if it is registered: r 7. See also Invention; Patent; Trade mark.
具有足夠詳情的描述。就專利而言,指附隨專利的申請的說明、權利要求和繪圖:《專利條例》(第514章)第2(1)條。任何專利發明或專利申請,須視為屬該專利的說明書的權利要求中所指明並按該說明書所載的說明和任何繪圖予以解釋者,而由任何專利或專利的申請所賦予的保護的範圍亦須據此予以決定:第76(1)條。就商標規則而言,在某商標已就或擬就某些貨品或服務而註冊的情況下,指該等貨品或服務的陳述:《商標規則》(第559A章)第2條規則。每項商標註冊申請均須指明該項申請所關乎的在《國際分類》中的一個或多於一個貨品或服務的類別。如某商標是擬就某特定類別中的所有貨品或服務或就多種不同貨品或服務註冊,則除非處長信納基於申請人已對該商標作出的使用或如該商標獲註冊該申請人打算對該商標作出的使用,有關說明是合理的,否則處長可拒絕接納該項申請:第7條規則。另見 Invention; Patent; Trade mark。n.




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