

单词 Specific devise
释义 特定不動產遺贈

A bequest or gift in a will to a designated individual or organisation or body corporate; a specific gift of land or other real property interest by will, clearly identified as a particular property asset from the deceased estate. For example, ‘my apartment at 88 King’s Road to X’. Also known as ‘specific bequest’. See also Bequest, Devise; Residuary devise; Specific legacy.
遺囑內對指定的個人或組織或法人團體作出的遺贈或饋贈;憑藉遺囑作出的特定土地饋贈或其他土地財產,清晰地指出死者遺產的特定財產資產。例如「我於英皇道88號的寓所給予X」。另稱「特定遺贈」。另見 Bequest, Devise; Residuary devise; Specific legacy。





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