

单词 Protected class of persons
释义 受保護類別人士
A group or class of people having common attributes, entitled to statutory protection. Statutory interpretation requires an assessment of the intention of the statute to determine whether the duty has been imposed for the general welfare of the public or in the interests of individuals or a definable or defined class of the public: Solomons v R Gertzenstein Ltd [1954] 2 QB 243. Anti-discrimination legislation gives rise to a protected class of persons: Helen Tsang v Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd (CACV4 3/2001, unreported).

一個有權獲得法定保護,並有著共同特質的團體或類別人士。法規釋義規定要評估法規的意向,以決定到底該責任是為公眾的普及福利,或個別人士的權益,還是為一個可界定或已界定類別公眾人士而施加的:Solomons v R Gertzenstein Ltd [1954] 2 QB 243。反歧視法例產生一個受保護類別人士:Helen Tsang v Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd(民事上訴2001年第43號,未經彙報)。





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