

单词 Prosthesis
释义 義制人體器官
Any artificial item which replaces a part of the body removed or amputated as a result of an injury: Employees’ Compensation Ordinance (Cap 282) s 36A. The Director of Health may make a claim for the cost of supplying and fitting, and the probable cost of the normal repair and renewal of any prosthesis or surgical appliance which an employer is liable to pay by serving on the employer a written request for the payment of such cost: ss 36D(1), 36I; Pang Wai Chung v Hoi Tat Rubber Factory (A Farm) [1996] 2 HKC 556 (HC). A board known as the Prostheses and Surgical Appliances Board is responsible for determining whether a prosthesis or surgical appliance required by an injured employee is necessary for him having regard to the nature and extent of his injury and, if so, to determine the cost of supplying and fitting the same: s 36M(2)(a).
屬於人造的並用以代替因損傷而引致除去或切除的身體部分的任何物品: 《僱員保償條例》 (第282章) 第 36A條。衛生署署長可向僱主送達一份書面的付費要求,以就僱主有法律責任支付的供應和裝配義製人體器官或外科器具的費用及因對該義製人體器官或外科器具作正常維修和更換而頗有可能支付的費用提出申索: 第36D(1), 36I條; Pang Wai Chung v Hoi Tat Rubber Factory (A Farm) [1996] 2 HKC 556 (高等法院) 。義製人體器官及外科器具委員會會負責在顧及僱員的損傷的性質及程度後,裁定該僱員所要求的義製人體器官或外科器具是否該僱員所需的;如屬需要,則裁定供應和裝配該器官或器具的費用: 第36M(2)(a) 條。n.




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