

单词 Protection order
释义 保護令
An order for the control and management of the property of a person who is suffering a recognised disability to protect the person’s best interest: for example, Mental Health Ordinance (Cap 136) ss 10B(1), 10E(5). If the court is satisfied that the person who is alleged to be mentally incapacitated is incapable, by reason of mental incapacity, of managing and administering his property and affairs, the court may, if it shall think fit, appoint a committee of the estate, and for this purpose, the Official Solicitor may be so appointed of such person and may make such order, if any, as to the remuneration of the committee out of such person’s estate, and as to the giving of security by the committee, as to the court may seem fit: s 11. See also Protected person.
作為控制和管理正經受認可無行為能力的人的物業的命令, 以保障該人的最佳權益: 例如, 《精神健康條例》(第136章) 第 10B(1), 10E(5)條。如原訟法庭信納被指稱為精神上無行為能力的人因精神上無行為能力而無能力處理和管理其財產及事務,則原訟法庭如認為合適,可委任產業受託監管人(而為此目的法定代表律師可被如此委任),並可就關於自該人產業中撥支該受託監管人的酬金,和該受託監管人須提供保證的事宜,作出原訟法庭認為合適的命令: 第11條。另見 Protected person。




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