

单词 Protective custody
释义 保護性拘押
A special form of custody of prisoners by which particular prisoners are segregated in order to protect their safety. Various prisoners require such protection, ranging from prisoners who are placed at risk as a result of their willingness to provide information to the police, prison, or other authorities or to give evidence in court to prisoners awaiting in trial. Also known as ‘strict protection’. See also Prison informer.
指對囚犯作出的一種特別形式的拘押,即把特定囚犯與其他囚犯分隔開以保護他們的安全。不同的囚犯需要這樣的保護,包括因願意向警方、監獄或其他有關當局提供資料,或在法庭作供而導致自己會有危險的囚犯,或正在等候聆訊的囚犯。另稱「嚴格保護」。另見 Prison informer。




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