

单词 Fundamental change of circumstance
释义 情況的根本改變
An unforeseeable change in the original circumstances which formed the basis of a states’ consent to be bound by a treaty and which radically transforms the extent of the obligation arising under the treaty: Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969 art 62. A fundamental change of circumstances provides grounds for termination or withdrawing from a treaty, subject to certain exceptions, and as a ground for suspending the operation of a treaty. The remaining doctrine relies on an established customary international law principle rebus sic stantibus (things as they are). See also Treaty.
指在原本作為某國同意受某條約約束的依據的原本情況中產生的不可預見的改變,並會徹底地改變根據有關條約而產生的責任範圍:《1969年維也納條約法公約》第62條。除若干例外情況外,可藉情況的根本改變作為終止或撤回條約的理由,並可作為暫停執行有關條約的理由。此原則的餘下部分依據已訂立的情勢變遷國際習慣法原則。另見 Treaty。




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