

单词 Interim cover
释义 臨時承保
A temporary insurance contract, whether in the form of a cover note or not, (Murfitt v Royal Insurance Co Ltd (1922) 38 TLR 334) pending either completion of a detailed proposal or consideration of a proposal which has been completed and submitted; alternatively it is in a form of acceptance which itself defines the scope of interim insurance pending the issue of a formal policy: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 15(1), Insurance [220.063]. It is to be superseded or replaced by the subsequent issue of a policy: Roberts v Security Co [1897] 1 QB 111 (CA). Being a contract of insurance, the rules relating to the formation of contracts of insurance generally apply. Interim cover may be cancelled by the insurer at any time with written notice of such an intention: Stockton v Mason and Vehicle and General Insurance Co Ltd and Arther Edward (Insurance) Ltd [1978] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 430 (CA). See also Cover; Cover note.
指臨時的保險合約,無論是否以暫保單的形式出現(Murfitt v Royal Insurance Co Ltd(1922) 38 TLR 334),待決詳細提案的完成或考慮某已完成及提交的提案;另外,它是以承兌的形式,本身界定了臨時保險的涵蓋範圍並待決正式保單的發出:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第15(1)冊,保險,第[220.063]段。它須被最終的保單發行所取消或取代:Roberts v Security Co [1897] 1 QB 111(英國上訴法院)。作為一份保險合約,有關訂立保險合約的規則一般亦適用於此。臨時承保在任何時候可被保險人以表達取消意圖的通知所取消:Stockton v Mason and Vehicle and General Insurance Co Ltd and Arther Edward(Insurance) Ltd [1978] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 430(英國上訴法院)。另見 Cover; Cover note。




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