

单词 By-law
释义 附例
A type of delegated legislation made by a public authority such as a local government body or statutory corporation, having effect only within the area of responsibility of the authority. A wide range of statutory authorities are commonly authorised to make by-laws for specific purposes and also generally for purposes incidental to carrying out their statutory functions: for example, Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 56; Food Business Regulation (Cap 132X). By-laws are subject to the usual rules concerning delegated legislation, including that they be reasonable, public and not ultra vires: Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) s 28(1), (2). Also known as ‘bye-law’. See also Delegated legislation.
由地方政府機構或法定法團等公共機構所制定的一種附屬立法,只在有關機構的職責範圍內有效力。普遍有很多法定主管當局獲授權就特定目的,及一般為了執行其法定功能的目的而制定附例,例如《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)第56條;《食物業規例》(第132X章)。附例須符合有關附屬立法的慣常原則包括有關的附例須合理、符合公眾利益及不越權:《釋義及通則條例》(第1章第28(1),(2)條。另稱「則例」。另見 Delegated legislation。




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