

单词 Likely to mislead or deceive
释义 相當可能使人受誤導或受騙
In consumer protection law, having a capacity or tendency to mislead or deceive. Any person who gives with any food or drug sold by him or displays with any food or drug exposed for sale by him, whether or not the same is attached to or printed on the wrapper or container, which falsely describes the food or drug, or is calculated to mislead as to its nature, substance or quality is guilty of an offence: Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) s 61(1). As to the likelihood to mislead, the test is whether it would mislead an ordinary man; the question whether the label offended against the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap 132) is one for the court and not for an expert witness: Concentrated Foods Ltd v Champ [1944]1 All ER 272, KB 342 (DC). Any person who publishes, or is party to the publication of an advertisement which is likely to mislead as to the nature, substance or quality of any food or drug, is also guilty of an offence: s 61(2). Conduct is ‘likely’ to mislead or deceive if there is a real or not remote chance or possibility that it will mislead or deceive. See also Likely.
根據消費者保障法,指有誤導或欺騙的能力或傾向。任何人如與其出售的食物或藥物一併給予下列標籤,或在其為出售而展出的食物或藥物上一併展示對食物或藥物作出虛假說明的標籤;或預計會在食物或藥物的性質、物質或品質方面誤導他人的標籤,則不論該標籤是否附於或印於包裹物或容器上,該人即屬犯罪:《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)第61條(1)。如須驗證誤導的可能性,該驗證須證明是否會誤導任何普通人;而標籤是否違反《公眾衛生及市政條例》(第132章)是法庭的問題,而並非專家證人的問題:Concentrated Foods Ltd v Champ [1944]1 All ER 272, KB 342 (DC)。任何人如發布或參與發布宣傳品,而該宣傳品相當可能在食物或藥物的性質、物質或品質方面誤導他人,該人即屬犯罪:第61條(2)。某行為相當可能誤導或欺騙他人,如該行為有真正或不小的機會或可能性,該行為會誤導或欺騙他人。另見 Likely。




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