单词 | Pattern or ornament |
释义 | 式樣或裝飾 Features applied to an article by any industrial process, being features which in the finished article appeal to and are judged by the eye: Registered Design Ordinance (Cap 522) s 2. The features are shape, configuration, pattern or ornament. In applying for a registered design, a novelty statement describing the features of the design which the applicant considers to be new should be included in the application in both official languages. The applicant may claim any or all of the four features. The novelty statement requirement does not apply in the case of an application for registration of the pattern or ornament of a design which is intended to be applied to a textile article, to wallpaper or similar wall covering or to lace or to sets of textile articles or lace: Registered Design Rules (Cap 522A) r 8. It is because protection for textile article under the Registered Design Ordinance is limited to features of pattern and ornament only: r 2(1). See also Design; Feature of shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation. 藉任何工業程序而應用於某物品的特色,而該等特色是在經製成的物品上的吸引視線和肉眼可判別的特色:《註冊外觀設計條例》(第522章) 第2條。特色指形狀、構形、式樣或裝飾。就註冊外觀設計的申請而言,述一項描述申請人認為有關外觀設計的特色屬新特色的新穎性陳述,須載列於提交的申請內,並須兼以兩種法定語文作出。有關的申請人可就任何或全部四項特色作出申索。新穎性陳述的規定不適用於擬應用於紡織品、牆紙或相類的牆壁覆蓋物、厘士、紡織品套件或厘士套件的外觀設計的式樣或裝飾的註冊申請:《註冊外觀設計規則》(第522A章)第8條規則。因為根據《註冊外觀設計條例》受到保護的紡織品僅限於式樣或裝飾的特色:第(1)條規則。另見 Design; Feature of shape, configuration, pattern or ornamentation。 |
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