

单词 Failure to report an accident
释义 沒有報告意外
A failure by a motorist to notify the police of an accident involving motor vehicles. A driver of a motor vehicle, which involves in an accident, is under a legal duty to report the accident in person at the nearest police station or to any police officer as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case not later than 24 hours after the accident: Road Traffic Ordinance (Cap 374) s 56(2A). Failure to do so commits an offence: s 56(6). See also Accident; Traffic regulations.
駕車者沒有通知警方任何涉及車輛的意外。涉及意外的車輛司機有法律義務須在合理切實可行範圍內,盡快而在任何情況下不遲於意外發生後24小時,親自前往最近的警署或向任何警務人員報告該意外:《道路交通條例》 (第374章)第56(2A)條。沒有履行此等義務即屬犯法:第56(6)條。另見 Accident; Traffic regulations。




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