

单词 Failure to disclose
释义 沒有披露
1. An omission to make known or public that there is a duty or expectation to reveal. In contract, the general rule is that mere failure to disclose does not amount to misrepresentation: Ward v Hobbs (1878) 4 AC 13. Failure to disclose may render a contract, for example a contract uberrimae fidei, voidable. 2. In criminal law, failure to disclose material information on the part of the prosecution may render a conviction unsafe in the event that the undisclosed material became relevant during trial: R v Ward [1993] 2 All ER 577, 1 WLR 619 (CA). See also Duty to disclose; Uberrimae fidei.
1. 在有責任或預期須公開的情況下,沒有讓有關人士知悉或沒有公開的不作為。在合約上,純粹沒有披露並非相當於失實陳述:Ward v Hobbs (1878) 4 AC 13。沒有披露可令致合約(例如完全真誠坦率的合約)成為可使無效的合約。 2. 在刑事法上,在沒有披露的資料於審訊中成為有關資料的情況下,控方沒有披露的重要資料可令致有關的定罪易於推翻:R v Ward [1993] 1 WLR 619。另見 Duty to disclose; Uberrimae fidei。




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