

单词 False imprisonment
释义 非法禁錮
The unlawful and intentional restraint and detention of a person against that person’s will. There may be intention to procure a ransom or benefit for the liberation of that person: R v Chan Yau Hang & Anor [1983] 1 HKC 107 (CA). The restraint need not be violent: R v Linsberg and Leies (1905) 69 JP 107. Imprisonment requires some form of confinement and the fact that person is required to walk in a direction that he was not otherwise intending to go is not an imprisonment: Bird v Jones (1845) 7 QB 742, 115 ER 668. False imprisonment is also a cause of action in tort. The action lies at the suit of a person unlawfully imprisoned against the person who causes the imprisonment: R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 1, 3 WLR 843. The plaintiff in an action for false imprisonment is entitled not only to general and special damages, the court may also award damages for injury to feelings, loss of reputation and, in a proper case, aggravated damages: William Alan Terance Crawley v A-G [1987] HKLR 379 (HC). Also known as ‘wrong imprisonment’. See also Assault; Detention; Means of escape; Trespass to the person; Unlawful restraint.
在違反某人的意願的情況下,非法及蓄意地限制及拘禁該人。而當中可具有為釋放該人而取得贖金或利益的意圖:R v Chan Yau Hang & Anor [1983] 1 HKC 107 (上訴法庭)。未必需要使用暴力作出限制:R v Linsberg and Leies (1905) 68 JP 107。禁錮須有若干形式的禁閉,但如該人須走向其原本不打算走的方向,則不屬禁錮:Bird v Jones (1845) 7 QB 742, 115 ER 668。非法禁錮在侵權法亦屬訴訟因由。被非法禁錮的人可針對引致禁錮的另一人提出訴訟:R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2)[2000] 4 All ER 1, 3 WLR 843。提出非法禁錮訴訟的原告人不但有權追索一般損害賠償及專項損害賠償,法庭亦可就感覺的傷害、名譽損失判給損害賠償,而在適當的案件中,可判給加重的損害賠償:William Alan Terrance Crawley v A-G [1987] HKLR 379(高等法院)。另見 Assault; Detention; Means of escape; Trespass to the person; Unlawful restraint。




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